Equal Pay Day in Portugal
Gender Pay Gap in Portugal
The gender pay gap in Portugal is continuously rising from 8.4 per cent in 2006 to 16.3 per cent in 2017. Thereby, Portugal moved from below EU-average to slightly above EU-average.
One reason behing this severe increase might be the economic struggle and recoverage after the economic crisis in 2008.
Equal Pay Day in Portugal
The Equal Pay Day in Portugal has been celebrated since 2013. Major actors in organising the related events are the Commission for Equality in Work and Employment of the Portugese Government and trade unions.
In 2015, the Equal Pay Day has been celebrated on March 6 with a high media coverage and an awareness rising campaign.
Related Links
Dia Nacional da Igualdade Salarial
European Commission: Exchange of good practices on gender equality - comments paper Portugal, 2011
European Commission: Gender pay gap in EU countries based on SES (2014), 2018
European Commission: The gender pay gap in Portugal, 2018
European Commission: Facts and Figures on the Gender Pay Gap
Equal Pay Day International Coalition: Portugal