Framework Conditions in Lithuania

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Gender Pay Gap in Lithuania

Currently, the gender pay gap stay with 14.2 per cent slightly below EU-average. Still in 2007 and 2008, the gender pay gap ranked among the highest in Europe with 21 and 22 per cent.

Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men

"In 1998 the Seimas (Parliament) adopted the Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. The Law prohibits both direct and indirect discrimination against men and women and establishes a legal obligation for state and private institutions to implement gender equality principles in employment, education, science, etc. The amendments to the Law of 2002 extended the scope of the application of the afore-mentioned Law establishing that equal opportunities for women and men have to be guaranteed and implemented in the field of consumers’ rights. In addition to a prohibition giving priority to one of the sexes in employment and education advertisements employers were obliged not to ask job seekers about their age, marital status, private life and family plans."[1]

National Programme on Equal Opportunities

The Lithuanian government has created a national programme in 2010 to foster gender equality. One of the main aspects is to enforce the principle of equal pay. To do so, the programme focusses on female-dominated secotrs, such as care, education, art, culture and social work. The goal is to revalue these job resulting in a higher remuneration.

Equal Opportunities Ombudsman

The Ombudsman has the ability settle conflicts within the realm of equal opportunities and gender equality and to investigate individual complaints on discrimination based on gender. In addition, the Ombudsman has the right to investigate administrative cases and to impose fines in case of experienced discrimination.


  1. Social Innovation Fund: Overview of Gender Equality Issues in Lithuania

European Commission: Legislation and Equality Plans

European Commission: Job evaluation free from gender bias / making pay differences transparant

European added value of applying the principle of Equal Pay for men and women for equal work or work of equal value - Research Paper