Equal Pay Day in Croatia
Gender Pay Gap in Croatia
The gender pay gap Croatia stays at 11 per cent (2017), which falls under EU-average. However, the pay gap has increased from 5.7 per cent in 2010. In general, the gap can be evaluated as a result of segregation on the labour market.
Equal Pay Day in Croatia
The Equal Pay Day in Croatia is organised by BPW Pula focussing on the general pay gap and increasing opportunities for women in employment and as entrepreneurs.
Equal Pay Day 2017
BPW Pula held a meeting with the City Mayor of Pula focussing on women salaries' inequality. In addition, BPW Pula singed up a Memorandum of cooperation with Croatian Chamber of Crafts in order to focus on women entrepreneurship and salary inequality.
Related Links
European Commission: Facts and Figures on the Gender Pay Gap
European Commission: Exchange of good practices on gender equality - comments paper Croatia, 2013
European Commission: Gender pay gap in EU countries based on SES (2014), 2018
European Commission: The gender pay gap in Croatia, 2018
Gender Wage Watchers: Fact Sheet - Gender Pay Gap in Croatia